Sunday, 5 February 2012

Fruitcakes Unite!

Morning! Hope that you all have at least a bit of snow! All wet and grey here and the kids had dusted off their sledges too! Maybe next week!

I am taking part in The Folksy February Fruitcakes - listing an item every day or so. There are people in the club that I have been chatting to for ages now and they feel like old friends! I have mixed them in with some new shops that I haven't seen before this month!!

Click on the name under the photo to go to the shop! Don't seem to able to link the photos like you used to be able to. If anyone can tell me if it's changed I would really appreciate it!

I hope that you enjoyed the selection! Have a great Sunday x


  1. A lovely selection, especially love the colour of the tutu.
    Thank you for including my mug cosy set, it`s much appreciated.

  2. Thanks Dottie for including my crocheted Mug Hugs today, we certainly need to keep our cuppa's warm in the freezing temperatures we have here at the moment!

    Love Rene's tutu, just wish my little girl was still a little girl as I would have bought that for her!

    Natalie x

  3. It's gorgeous Natalie isn't it! Wish my little girl didn't think she was Buzz Lightyear so she would wear things like that!

  4. I enjoy belonging to the listing club too! It was kind of you to include my bag - much appreciated. Thank you, Dottie.


  5. Hi Dottie,
    A lovely selection, and yep its good being a fruitcake ;)
    Thank you for including my Garnet Necklace.
    Jax x

  6. Hi I have nominated/awarded you the Versatile Blogger Award! Pop on over to my blog- for more info xx
