Monday, 16 April 2012

Musical Musings!

There is always lots of music in my home, very rarely quiet! The boys are both very musical playing piano and also a brass instrument.

I was very proud last week that they received their exam results from their recent piano examinations. Master E who is 12 passed his Grade 5 (which is higher than I ever achieved) and Master T a Distinction in his Grade 2!

They were whooping around for some time afterwards!

I then wanted a card for Karen the piano teacher who is a marvel! In the search process I came across a shop on Etsy called RoseFlower 84. I ended up buying my first Christmas pressie (gasp) as when I saw these musical wreaths I just had to get one for her! (and one for me!)

So Christmas sorted I still needed a card which brought me to the most lovely shop that I had bought from before, Zygotegifts. Taking old newspapers they create the most wonderful designs that can be personalised. We had a musical note on a card with the words "patience", "help", and "thank you" added to it. Just perfect!

I'm so pleased with my purchases and thought you might like to see them too.


  1. Congratulations on their success! Thank you for posting my wreath.


  2. Aww thanks for mentioning me :) And what beautiful wreaths! x

  3. That is great news - the boys are doing really well, Grandma & Granddad would be really proud of them.
