Sunday, 20 May 2012

Busy Busy!

Well it's been a busy few weeks.  Dottie's output seems to grow weekly and it feels as if we are heading fast towards Summer Holidays!  So this week I decided that it was time to sort out a few house things that have been in waiting since we moved in last December!

The Hot tub is a big hit, especially with the 2 littlest.  In fact it is quite difficult to get them out!

We finally have a mirror in the downstairs cloakroom!

My 9yo chose this to go on his bedroom wall!  Very profound!

Finally we have light shades in our bedroom!  Splendid they are too!

Have a great weekend x


  1. I am SO jealous of your hot tub - am about to show my husband the picture and start begging!!!


  2. Love the tub and the colourful light shade :o)
