Saturday 1 May 2010

A Green House - not a greenhouse!

Well here we are - still not looking very pretty and with a small hole to fix but at least it has a colour on it! After much deliberation the 3 of them decided that a bluey green sea sidey house was pretty cool. Miss P was a little upset as her image of the final house was definitely a little pink. Still as she is by 4 years the youngest I don't doubt that at the next paint it can become her girlie house!

Next to be done are the windows as you can't see out of them and to fix the porch on the front.

I'm itching to do curtains and pretty bits but will have to wait a while I think!

Hopefully should be able to go some of it over the Bank Holiday....


  1. that is a very cool seaside house Dottie - somehere to retreat to with a glass of wine when it all gets too much - Lol!

  2. Beautiful, I have seaside house envy!!Wonder if I can jazz up my old shed?!

  3. that is fab! I wish my kids had one well done xxx
